Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Charlie Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlie Christ. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2010

Charlie Crist, an Unabashed Political Whore

Florida Governor Charlie Crist today vetoed a bill that would have required abortionists to perform an ultrasound on all abortion-seeking women, and describe to them parts of the baby as seen in the ultrasound image.

Crist, who is running as an independent for the U.S. Senate because Republican voters are wise to him, goes beyond even Mitt Romney, who has reversed his positions from pro-abortion and pro-gay rights when it was expedient to have those positions in Massachusetts, to pro-family, pro-life, now that he needs to convince national Republicans he's a conservative.

But Crist has flipped from liberal to conservative, and back again.
He recently stripped his website of all his former pro-life and pro-family references to better fit his latest makeover.

An aroused electorate has demonstrated that they are fed up with political charlatans, and we look forward to this phony being soundly rejected.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ex-Florida GOP Chairman Greer Arrested on Unknown Charges

Charlie Christ's political associate, Jim Greer, former chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, was arrested this morning. (Seminole County jail / June 2, 2010)

From Fox News

The former chairman of the Florida Republican Party was arrested Wednesday, officials said, though they did not release the charges and there was no immediate word on whether they were linked to a probe of his finances.

Jim Greer, who had been handpicked to lead the state GOP by Gov. Charlie Crist, was arrested at his home near Orlando, Seminole County authorities said.

He stepped down in February after party activists and major donors called for his resignation over reports of lavish spending on private jets, decadent meals and entertainment.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has been investigating Greer since an audit found he awarded himself and his executive director a fundraising contract that paid them about $200,000.

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