Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Consumer Product Safety Commission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consumer Product Safety Commission. Show all posts

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Feds: Homes with Chinese Drywall Must be Gutted

New guidelines say homes tainted by Chinese drywall, many in the South, should be gutted
Thousands of U.S. homes tainted by Chinese drywall should be gutted, according to new guidelines released Friday by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The guidelines say electrical wiring, outlets, circuit breakers, fire alarm systems, carbon monoxide alarms, fire sprinklers, gas pipes and drywall need to be removed.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Federal Regulations Imposed on Your Next Garage Sale

The liberals are quick to assure us that they don't care what goes on in your bedroom, but that may be the only room the Obama administration is willing to overlook. Should we be surprised that South Carolina's own Inez Tenenbaum, newly installed as Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, has a raft of rules and regulations to impose on your next garage sale?

If any of our readers has any experience with this, would you please let us know when the Federal Garage Sale Inspectors show up?
From Fox News
By Diane Macedo

Americans who slap $1 pricetags on their used possessions at garage sales or bazaar events risk being slapped with fines of up to $15 million, thanks to a new government campaign.

The "Resale Round-up," launched by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, enforces new limits on lead in children's products and makes it illegal to sell any items that don't meet those limits or have been recalled for any other reason.

The strict standards were set in the 2008 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act after a series of high-profile recalls of Chinese-made toys.

The standards were originally interpreted to apply only to new products, but now the CPSC says they apply to used items as well.

"Those who resell recalled children's products are not only breaking the law, they are putting children's lives at risk,” said CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum. "Resale stores should make safety their business and check for recalled products and hazards to children."

In order to comply, stores, flea markets, charities and individuals selling used goods — in person or online — are expected to consult the commission's 24-page Handbook for Resale Stores and Product Resellers (pdf) and its Web site for a breakdown of what they can't sell.

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