Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Gulf of Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gulf of Mexico. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obama Continues to Refuse Foreign Offers of Assistance

Senator George LeMieux states that 21 offers of assistance with the Gulf oil spill, from 17 countries, have been refused.

As contemptible as we believe Obama to be, we reject the common view that he is just grossly incompetent. Such outrageous mismanagement,
as we have said before, is a deliberate attempt to create crisis, bring pressure on the system, cause social instability, and then effect the Marxist change they believe in. They are doing it in refusing to defend the US border, they are doing it with unprecedented spending and debt, and they are doing it with an environmental disaster in the Gulf.

It is treasonous.

Monday, June 7, 2010

New Oil Plume Evidence Uncovered

As if the pictures of birds, fish and animals killed by floating oil in the Gulf of Mexico are not disturbing enough, scientists now say they have found evidence of another danger lurking underwater.

The University of South Florida recently discovered a second oil plume in the northeastern Gulf. The first plume was found by Mississippi universities in early May.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BP Makes "Giant" Oil Find in Gulf of Mexico

From Yahoo Finance
By Tom Bergin

il major BP Plc said it has made an oil discovery in the Gulf
of Mexico, which analysts believe could contain over 1 billion barrels of recoverable reserves, reaffirming the Gulf's strategic importance to the industry.

BP said in a statement on Wednesday that it had made the "giant" find at its Tiber Prospect in the Keathley Canyon block 102, by drilling one of the deepest wells ever sunk by the industry.

Further appraisal will be required to ascertain the size of volumes of oil present, but a spokesman said the find should be bigger than its Kaskida discovery which has over 3 billion barrels of oil in place.

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