Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Legislator of the Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Legislator of the Week. Show all posts

Friday, February 6, 2009

Legislator of the Week: Wendy K. Nanney, Greenville, SC

Representative Wendy K. Nanney is a freshman member of the SC General Assembly from District 22 in Greenville, South Carolina, but she has honed in like a laser in addressing our state's most pressing issues.

In the following video she discusses legislation she has cosponsored to require a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion can be performed in South Carolina, (H-3245). This legislation will give frightened and often pressured young women an opportunity to reflect before having abortions they will regret for the rest of their lives.

Representative Nanney also mentions in the video H-3140, which would require party registration for a period of time before one may vote in partisan primary elections. This would put an end to the gamesmanship South Carolina has seen too often, where members of one party attempt to determine the nominees of the other. In last years Republican presidential primary the winner's edge was provided by Democrat votes. Representative Nanney has also cosponsored H 3005, requiring all voters to present a photo ID.

Finally, we salute Representative Nanney for supporting greater transparency and accountability by demanding that legislation be subject to recorded roll call votes instead of mere voice votes, and for her sponsorship of H-3458, requiring an independent audit of the State Department of Education and other departments and agencies to be determined by the State Budget and Control Board.

These reforms are needed and long overdue. Greenville is fortunate to have a hard working, right thinking representative in Wendy Nanney; may we see many more like her in the State House.

Let's make this column a regular feature of Sunlit Uplands. If any of our readers, anywhere in the US, would like to suggest a Legislator of the Week, state or federal, we would welcome your recommendations.