Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Apollo Astronauts Decry Obama Space Plans

The U.S. shuttle program is ending this year. The U.S.
will have to catch a ride with Russia's Soyuz after that.

The Obama administration's vision for the future of manned space flight will bump the United States to "second or even third-rate" status as a space-faring nation, the commanders of three U.S. moon missions warned Wednesday.

The letter was signed by the first and last men to walk on the moon -- Neil Armstrong from Apollo 11 and Eugene Cernan from Apollo 17 -- and James Lovell, who commanded the heroic Apollo 13 flight.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On a Clear Day.... Nasa Reveals Mesmerising 'Blue Marble' Images of Earth

This mesmerising view of Earth is a montage of images taken by the Terra satellite orbiting 435miles above the planet's surface. Click image for larger view.
From Daily Mail

These spectacular 'blue marble' images are the most detailed views of Earth to date.

Using a collection of satellite images, scientists painstakingly stitched together months of observations to create these montages which show the surface of the continents and oceans in stunning detail.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

NASA Commemoration of the Apollo Moon Landing

NASA has unveiled this site to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing. Included are superb documentaries, videos, photos, including the following restored video of Armstrong and Aldrin raising the American flag on the moon.