Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label South Carolina Blogosphere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Carolina Blogosphere. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Message to Our BlogNetNews Readers

During the past week, this blog was inactive due to travel for business and pleasure. Upon return, it was called to my attention that a blogger, posting on the BlogNetNews aggregator, has several times posted a malicious lie about this site being down because of a malware virus.

Those of you familiar with the blogger spreading this lie will not take it seriously. To those not familiar, his antics may seem to be those of a troubled kid. He is actually post-middle age, and an extreme example of the anger, hate and rage that so commonly afflicts those of his disordered lifestyle.

The individual in question is a reminder to us of the reality of Evil, and his posts, while tediously repetitive, are a great source of encouragement. The hate, rage and jealousy is a sure affirmation that we must be doing something right and effective.

His blog and mine were both begun about the same time two years ago. Yet the number of visits to our site is more than three times that of our troubled critic. Those numbers are proof, if any were needed, that most people gravitate to what is good, true and beautiful, and not the vicious name calling of a seventh-grade adolescent. We will not stoop to his level, but every now and then, when he makes death threats or lies about some imaginary virus lurking on our site, we will set the record straight.

As we have said before, when we are "reviled and all kinds of evil is uttered against" us because we seek to live by God's Word and promote a society that accords with His natural law, we will "rejoice and be glad." And indeed, we are!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nasty, Unhappy, Liberal Bloggers

Followers of the South Carolina blogosphere might well wonder what is it about liberal bloggers that makes them so angry, vicious and hateful, not content to offer their own perspective, but determined to belittle and offend anyone who might disagree with them. The phenomenon is larger than a local psychopath or two. This rant from the Daily Kos about the Palmetto State may sound familiar:

Warning: Offensive language
By rogereaton

I mean really, what the fuck is wrong with the people of South Carolina? You want us to overlook the fact that you started a civil war, you elected this prick to the United States Senate for 47 years, you elected this ass hat Governor, you put this slimy bastard into the U S Senate after that prick, and that you still want to fly this above your state capitol building. Any of these 5 things would force most people of sound thinking to avoid your mostly backward ass state; but for some reason people have been willing to overlook these. Maybe it's because of your golf courses or maybe your very nice beaches. BUT NO MORE! I am telling the state of South Carolina to go to hell until you remove that slimy, two faced, double talkin, lie with a straight face, partisan hack, Lindsey Graham from the United States Senate.
Vulgar as this may be, I think we should be encouraged that South Carolina's ethos may actually be keeping rogereaton and his ilk away. Who knows, it may even encourage similar visitors to go back to Seattle or to whatever rock they crawled out from under.