Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Summorum Pontificum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summorum Pontificum. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Archbishop Sample on Youth and Tradition

His Excellency Archbishop Alexander K. Sample of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon underlines the importance of the witness of the youth which are awe-inspired by the transcendent beauty of the classical form of the Holy Mass and are captivated by tradition. 

Introíbo ad altáre Dei. Ad Deum qui lætíficat iuventútem meam!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Vatican Tells Bishops: Be Generous with the Traditional Latin Mass

By John Thavis

A new Vatican instruction calls on local bishops and pastors to respond generously to Catholics who seek celebration of the Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal.

The instruction, issued today, said pastors should approve such Masses for groups of faithful, even when such groups are small or are formed of people from different parishes or dioceses. These faithful cannot, however, contest the validity of the modern Mass or the authority of the Pope.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Latin Liturgy: A Slow But Sure Return to Tradition

t has been a year since Pope Benedict XVI issued his Motu Proprio,
Summorum Pontificum, which removed all legal obstacles to priests wishing to celebrate the traditional Latin Mass. Yet implementation of the Holy Father's wishes has been spotty at best. In some dioceses training programs for priests unfamiliar with the older rite have been wildly popular and oversubscribed. In other dioceses liberal bishops have instituted an array of conditions, such as rigorous Latin examinations for priests and other onerous rules that have, for now, thwarted the clearly expressed wish of the Pope.

Here in South Carolina they just pretend they never got the memo. There is not a single additional Latin Mass in the State of South Carolina as a result of the Holy Father's Motu Proprio. Those of us in the state's largest city and capital have a Latin Mass on the first Sunday of each month in a former Anglican parish that was corporately received into the Catholic Church. On other Sundays, those wishing to attend a Latin Mass can drive east, two hours/122 miles to Sullivan's Island, or two hours west/115 miles to Taylors, South Carolina. Requests to the chancery office for an additional Mass receive no response.

Given the enormous popularity of the traditional Latin Mass in some dioceses and its total absence in others, it is clear that clericalists who demand obedience from the laity, but offer none to those above, even to the Pope, are standing in the way. They are men who really enjoyed the seventies. They cling to their felt banners, tambourines and guitars and think "Kumbaya" marks the high water mark in sacred music. Fortunately, these old men who thought themselves "cool" more than thirty years ago are reaching retirement age. More often than not, they are replaced with priests who appreciate the ineffable majesty and sacredness of the divine liturgy.

Hat Tip to the Real Clear Religion blog for calling attention to this great article about the traditionalist revolution underway in Britain.

And for those who will suggest that the tacky, semi-circle pit churches with their kitchen table altars, so favored by the double-knit set, can't accommodate the traditional Mass, here's a great video showing how it can be done.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Transalpine Redemptorists United With Rome

Last September I posted a beautiful video about the Transalpine Redemptorist monks and the remote, new monastery they are building on the island of Papa Stronsay, in the Orkneys off the northern coast of Scotland.

They are a zealous, fast growing community, drawing vocations from all over the world. However, at the time the video was made, they were part of the breakaway, traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

Pope Benedict XVI has made enormous strides in healing the thousand year old divisions between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. With his Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, facilitating widespread use of the traditional Latin Mass, he is also healing the modern fissures resulting from the Second Vatican Council. This "new springtime" in the life of the Church was wonderfully evident when the Transalpine Redemptorists recently petitioned Rome to be reunited with the Church, and when they were received back into full communion with the Successor of St. Peter.

We are richly blessed to have these good monks in communion with us. Deo Gratias and welcome home!

Yesterday, they posted the wonderful news on their community's blog:

1 July, 2008
Feast of the Precious Blood

My dear friends,

I am happy to inform you that last June 18th, before Cardinal Castrillon and the members of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei in Rome, I humbly petitioned the Holy See on my own behalf and on behalf of the monastery council for our priestly suspensions to be lifted.

On June 26th I received word that the Holy See had granted our petition. All canonical censures have been lifted.

Our community now truly rejoices in undisputed and peaceful posession of Communion with the Holy See because our priests are now in canonical good standing.

We are very grateful to our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI for issuing, last July, the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum which called us to come into undisputed and peaceful Communion with him.

Now we have that undisputed communion! It is a pearl of great price; a treasure hidden in the field; a sweetness that cannot be imagined by those who have not tasted it or who have not known it, now for many years. Its value cannot be fully expressed in earthly language and therefore we hope that all traditional priests who have not yet done so, will answer Pope Benedict's call to enjoy the grace of peaceful and undisputed communion with him. Believe us, the price to pay is nothing; even all the angry voices that have shouted against us and calumniated us are as nothing when weighed in the scales against undisputed communion with the Vicar of Christ; others have died for it; what are raucous voices?

We publicly thank all those souls who have prayed for us over the last months; some of you have truly stormed heaven for us. You have kept us afloat. We are deeply grateful. Especially we thank that priest who was unknown to us, until June 16th when he wrote in fraternal support. Where did he come from? Why us? But he told us of the number of Masses, Offices, prayers and sacrifices he had personally said for us; he had also enlisted the prayers of contemplatives and Third Order societies and had a great number of people fervently praying for us with an abundance of prayers. We were amazed! Thank you Father! Thank you also to that brave person who, so kindly wrote to us to say that if he said any more prayers for us he would be floating! What wonderful people! Thank you!

Looking to the future, the next stage will be to have our community canonically erected. So please, dear friends, keep praying for us, there will be many crosses to bear; but they will be yokes sweetened by the grace of these last days.

We assure you all of our very best wishes.
Your devoted servant,

Fr. Michael Mary, C.SS.R.
Vicar General

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Latin Mass Community To Be Charged $72,000 for Mass

Holy Father, your Apostolic Journey to the United States is warmly and gratefully welcomed and comes not a moment too soon. Following is another example of the abuse to which the faithful are subjected by those who attempt to subvert your salvific mission. In too many cases wolves, not shepherds, are tending your flock. We pray that you will clean out the rot in the American Episcopacy, and among the staff in their state and national conferences. We offer you our prayers, our love and our support.

By John Grasmeier
April, 2008

Since the release of Summorum Pontificum - Pope Benedict's Motu Proprio removing restrictions on celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass - many local prelates and their diocesan hirelings have gone to great lengths to make life as difficult as possible for Catholics seeking to take advantage of it. From requiring priests to sit for formal Latin language examinations before offering the TLM, to suffering difficult (and even unlawful) permission schemes, traditionalist priests and lay persons have had to suffer all types of dubiously devised obstacles laid out for them by hostile ecclesiastical chains of command.

Some who follow such matters may tend to think they've heard everything regarding these shenanigans. Others, who know better, realize that when it comes to suppressing of the immemorial rite, never think you've heard everything.

In a first (a first not only in anti-TLM hubris, but quite possibly a first in the history of Holy Church) the TLM community in the diocese of Portland Maine billed for their Mass. They are to be charged $72,000 per year, with an initial $18,000 down payment being due on or before July 1st, only a little over 2 1/2 months from the time this is being written.

The 72-grand will go toward the priest's salary and benefits, office supplies and, astoundingly, rental of the church. Should anyone think this a joke or simply too outrageous to be believed, the following is presented:

3 April 2008

Dear Members of the Latin Mass Community:

Christ is Risen & Lives Forever!

As Msgr. Marc Caron, the chancellor of the Diocese, announced to you some weeks past, Bishop Richard Malone has honored me with the newly created position of Chaplain to the Latin Mass Community in south-central Maine effective 1 July 2008. I look forward to serving and working with the faithful who are attached to the extraordinary form of the Roman liturgy. Initially, I will be celebrating Holy Mass in the extraordinary form every Sunday at 8:00 AM at the Basilica of Ss Peter & Paul in Lewiston and at noon at the Cathedral Chapel in Portland. Once the Chaplaincy is underway, additional Masses will be scheduled at other locations as the need increases and other priests are available. I also will be available to you for the celebration of the sacraments and sacramentals, including funerals, as needed.

I am happy to announce that the Bishop has accepted a request for a patron for the Latin Mass Chaplaincy. We will now be known as the:

St. Gregory the Great Latin Mass Chaplaincy

As Bishop Malone announced, the Chaplaincy will be funded by those benefiting from this ministry, and the Chaplaincy will continue only if there is sufficient funding to meet its expenses. The initial annual budget has been prepared, which I have approved and accepted. The budget for the first year is $72,000.00 and includes salary, room & board, health insurance and pension, travel expenses, church rental, office expenses, and other ministy (sic) expenses.

Prior to 1 July, and before the Chaplaincy will begin, we are required to raise from contributions one-quarter of our annual budget, or $18,000.00. This initial funding is necessary to ensure that we will be financially independent and able to meet our weekly ongoing expenses as the Chaplaincy begins and grows. We must begin our fundraising efforts immediately to raise this initial amount. We have established an account at TD Banknorth in Lewiston that will be used exclusively for the Chaplaincy. Contributions to the Chaplaincy should be made by check payable to "St Gregory (the Great) Latin Mass Chaplaincy" and sent to the following address: Latin Mass Chaplaincy, Department of Ministerial Services, P.O. Box 11559, Portland, Maine 04104. Please be as generous as your means allow.

After 1 July collections taken up at all the Masses of the Chaplaincy will go totally to the support of the Chaplaincy. Also the faithful will be able to register with the Chaplaincy and will have their own envelopes come the New Year. I will also be making regular financial reports to the community.

I will be able to join you and address you after Mass on Sunday 20 April 2008 at the Cathedral to enlist your support for the many important tasks we must undertake in order to build the Chaplaincy so that it will be a vital, growing, and long-lasting ministry in the Diocese. I also hope to answer any questions you may have. Unfortunately I may arrive during the Mass as I must complete my duties in Sabattus first. I hope you will be able to stay for a short reception after Mass so that we may become personally acquainted.

I thank all the priests who have served and who will continue to serve you. They have been a blessing from God. I look forward to meeting and serving you. May God prosper the work of our hands.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev. Robert A. Parent