Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Tucson Shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tucson Shooting. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tucson Underscores the Need to Control the Mentally Ill, Not Guns

Disbarred Attorney and Christophobic Hate Blogger Lindsay Taylor Thompson
In the three and a half years that this blog has been publishing, we have had only two persistent critics - one is a hack and the detritus of the liberal McClatchy Newspapers, now working for the South Carolina Policy Council on a blog with half of our traffic; the other was an attorney who was found to be so lacking in honesty and professional ethics that the State of Washington disbarred him.  And when we revealed the latter's sordid past, he admitted to a history of mental instability.  Over the course of several years, each of these two bloggers has been very supportive of the other.

We pay about as much attention to the political commentary of these two as we do to the political philosophy of the Unabomber, Lyndon LaRouche, and the Son of Sam.   Nevertheless, within hours of the tragic events in Tucson this past weekend, Lindsay Taylor Thompson, the disbarred lawyer, gay activist, and Christophobic hate blogger, was mimicking the mainstream media by suggesting that right-wing rhetoric had spawned the tragic events and  that Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint and even yours truly are "ennablers," with blood on our hands.

The mentally unstable, disbarred attorney, like the mainstream media he echoes, have completely overlooked the fact that the shooter is a pot smoking, heavy metal listening, practitioner of the occult, who attended a school affiliated with Obama pal and communist, Bill Ayers.  Hardly a Young Americans for Freedom type!

But what is really audacious about these rantings, and so typical of even sane liberals, is the hypocrisy.  For example, on June 1, 2010, Thompson posted the following about yours truly:
One can only wonder what his last thoughts would be if someone ran him to ground in his parish at confession (surely, as an aside, those sessions must be truly marvelous exercises in magical realism) or taking communion for the astonishing- and popular- spew of hate and bigotry his blog presents daily, and pumped a few lead rounds into him.
Inflammatory? Hate speech? An indicator of a mentally disturbed psychopath?

We think so!

Yet when we called that post to the attention of the Greenville County Sheriff, the South Carolina Attorney General and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), we were informed that threats on the Internet don't count.  One can only be prosecuted if one delivers a threat in writing, to one's home.  Accordingly, we have taken precautions, and we recommend that all conservatives do so, because so many of these deadly psychopaths, contrary to what the media would have you believe, are of the Left.

This left-wing propaganda we have seen since Saturday is itself sheer hypocrisy.  If you accuse someone you disagree with of being guilty of inciting murder, that demonizing accusation itself is no less "hate speech" that might encourage unstable leftists (like the Tucson shooter) to act out actual violence.

If one is defined by one's enemies, as well as one's friends,  we are proud of both.  But the Jared Loughners of the world usually announce themselves long before shots ring out.  The events of this past weekend underscore not only the importance of citizens being armed for their own protection, but the need to ensure that the public is protected and that the mentally disturbed get help they need and are prevented from harming themselves and others.