Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Monday, February 21, 2011

Huckabee Charges 'Class Warfare'

Mike Huckabee berated Obama for his involvement in the Wisconsin labor protests.  
AP Photo
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee berated President Obama on Friday for his "unfortunate involvement" in the Wisconsin labor protests.

In a Fox News interview, Huckabee said Obama is "trying to make this class warfare," out of a bill that would eliminate the collective bargaining rights of public sector workers in an effort to reduce the budget deficit.

"This is a president who would not be sitting in that office were it not for public sector unions who rallied for him in a significant way," Huckabee said. "He didn't have to go this far."

The former presidential contender told Fox News that Obama has been unduly influenced by public sector unions, and that he is now asking taxpayers to foot the bill for an overrun in pension and benefit costs.

"The president however, at risk of being indelicate, he's had more sleep-over's from Andy Stern at the SEIU than any other guest at the White House," Huckabee said.

"If the states go bankrupt, the people who want an extra 10 dollars will be losing thousands of dollars," he said.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

'Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee' - Ludwig Van Beethoven

From the Pastor - 'True Joy'

A weekly column by Father George Rutler

The Danaids in Greek lore were fifty young sisters forced into marriage with the sons of Aegyptus, who was the brother of their father Danaus. On their wedding day all of them, save for Hypermnestra, killed their new husbands. The Danaids were slain by the goddess Artemis, the twin of Apollo, and cast into the underworld where forever they were forced to pour water into jars with holes in them.

This was a myth, and the behavior of the Danaid brides is the sort of behavior discouraged in our Pre-Cana programs. But there are many people who would have us spend our days pouring water into leaking vessels. Among them are the “motivational experts” who promise “fulfillment” through vacuous psychology. One after another they are replaced on the lecture circuit with others just as illusory. Nothing can be filled full unless it can be filled in the first place, and to be capable of being filled requires that we know what it means to “be.” That can only be understood by understanding God.

God is the source of all life. The “I AM” requires a total offering of the self in a bond of love. If the self is to become what it was made to be, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deut 6:5). When Jesus announced that he is the I AM, he also promised authentic fulfillment: “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11).

The inadequacy of many “motivational experts” is rooted in their limited understanding of joy. Only a total offering of the self to God can fulfill human potential and bestow true joy. Those who do accomplish that are saints. The kind of half-hearted “spirituality” which is based on feeling rather than fact, which uses empty words to fill a void in the soul, is a caricature of the true Christianity that saves us from the endless sorrow of trying to fill leaking vessels and never insults our dignity by proposing to make us “feel good about ourselves.”

Golda Meir said, “Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don’t know how to laugh, either.” The saints weep whole-heartedly for the sorrows of the world with the tears of Christ and, by so doing, they enter into his joy. The word for that fulfillment is “glory,” a word unknown to those who peddle easy prescriptions for ephemeral happiness. “But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glorification. None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Cor. 2: 7-8).

Fr. George W. Rutler is the pastor of the Church of our Saviour in New York City. His latest book, Coincidentally: Unserious Reflections on Trivial Connections, is available from Crossroads Publishing.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wisconsin Photo Says It All

Gary Glenn Interviewed on the Bott Radio Network

Gary Glenn
Gary Glenn, President of the American Family Association of Michigan and Contributing Editor of Sunlit Uplands, was recently interviewed on the Bott Radio Network by Dick Bott, its founder and Chairman and host of BRN’s public affairs talk show “The Complete Story.” The interview was heard on nearly 90 Christian radio stations in 15 states, from Tennessee to California and Indiana to Texas.

Click here to listen.

We think our readers will be especially interested in what Mr. Bott and Gary have to say about the "great pretender," Mitt Romney.  According to the AFA-Michigan website their discussion includes:
AFA-Michigan’s news release this week calling on Gov. Rick Snyder and legislative leaders to act to protect taxpayers from being forced to fund spousal-type benefits for the homosexual “partners” of state employees.  Glenn said the state should instead limit such benefits only to legally married employees as an incentive to encourage and promote marriage, an institution which social studies prove reduces poverty and the need for law enforcement, social welfare, and other government programs. Bottom line: incentivize and promote more marriages, get less government at less cost to taxpayers.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney’s responsibility for the actual implementation of so-called homosexual “marriage” in Massachusetts. As Associated Press reported April 25, 2004: “Gov. Mitt Romney’s top legal counsel told the state’s justices of the peace Sunday to resign if they are unwilling to preside over the marriage of same-sex couples beginning next month. …’If a justice of the peace cannot comply with his or her oath of office, then we would expect that person to tender their resignation from that office.’ …Romney has also ordered changes to the state’s marriage application, replacing ‘bride” and ‘groom’ with ‘Party A’ and ‘Party B.’”

African-Americans’ strong support for traditional marriage despite homosexual activists’ attempts to equate their political agenda with and thus exploit the black church-led Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.

The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - 'How Great Thou Art'

In loving memory of a special friend on her birthday.

Friday, February 18, 2011

House Republicans Taking America Back, Keeping Pledge to America

The House is under new management and they are off to a great start -- keeping their "pledge to America" in votes today to defund Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare.  

May they press on and let those 23 Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2012 defend their votes for bloated, out-of-control, unconstitutional, and nearly bankrupt government.  

And let Obama veto himself back to Chicago too!