Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

DeMint: Over 90% of Bills Passed Secretly With No Debate, No Vote

Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) recently reminded his colleagues that the Senate passes over 90 percent of legislation without any debate, without amendment, and without a roll call vote.

Donald Trump on the Kenyan

SC House Member: Send Haley Ethics Complaint to AG

A House Ethics Committee member says she will propose sending an ethics complaint against Gov. Nikki Haley to the attorney general.

Republican Rep. Joan Brady of Columbia said Tuesday the case has gotten too complicated, and Attorney General Alan Wilson should handle it to uphold the governor's and committee's integrity.

Daniel Hannan: 'My New Anglosphere Hero is New Zealand's John Key'

By Daniel Hannan

Prime Minister John Key of New Zealand
Is it possible for a Right-wing government to freeze spending and cut the deficit while remaining popular? As they say in New Zealand, ‘yih’. I’ve remarked before that, while no country is physically further from Britain, none is temperamentally closer. Yet there is a difference when it comes to public expenditure. A slowing of the rate of increase in the UK – there have, as yet, been no net cuts – is howled down as an assault on the poor directed by a clique of ancien rĂ©gime aristocrats. In New Zealand, by contrast, ‘zero budgets’ are seen as prudent and sensible.

Pope Benedict Names Bishop Aquila of Fargo as New Archbishop of Denver

Pope Benedict XVI today named Bishop Samuel J. Aquila of Fargo, N.D., to be the new Archbishop of Denver. A priest of the Archdiocese of Denver before he was assigned to Fargo, Aquila is a strong, orthodox churchman and his appointment, along with appointments in New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia, signals a blessed change from the days of Bernardin, Mahony and McCarrick.

Archbishop-designate Aquila is known for his love for the priesthood, a passion for pro-life advocacy, and a heart for youth.  This is another appointment that will inspire and encourage the surge in priestly vocations and the New Evangelization in the United States.  Thank you, Holy Father.  Deo Gratias!

In the following video, Bishop Aquila reflects on the World Youth Day held in Denver in 1993.

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Memorial Day Tribute

The secret of Happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom, Courage. 


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pentecost Sunday

"And when the days of Pentecost were drawing to a close, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a violent wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as of fire, which settled upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues, even as the Holy Spirit prompted them to speak" (Acts 2, 1-4)