Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Obama's Grandfather Tortured by the British? A Fantasy (Like Most of the President’s Own Memoir)

" All Marxists are liars. Marxists have to be liars; being a liar is virtually a definitive characteristic of being a Marxist. It is a requirement. The ultimate goal of the Marxist is to move all of society toward or into Communism; that 'worthy' goal is the supposedly noble 'End' that justifies, in the mind of the Marxist, any 'Means' at all that may be applied to achieve it."
--Vic Biorseth

A new biography of Barack Obama has established that his grandfather was not, as is related in the President’s own memoir, detained by the British in Kenya and found that claims that he was tortured were a fabrication.

'Barack Obama: The Story' by David Maraniss catalogues dozens of instances in which Obama deviated significantly from the truth in his book 'Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance'. The 641-page book punctures the carefully-crafted narrative of Obama’s life.

One of the enduring myths of Obama’s ancestry is that his paternal grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama, who served as a cook in the British Army, was imprisoned in 1949 by the British for helping the anti-colonial Mau Mau rebels and held for several months.

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Now Korea Is Cleaning Our Clock

By Patrick J. Buchanan 

“The entry into force of the U.S.-Korea trade agreement on March 15, 2012, means countless new opportunities for U.S. exporters to sell more made-in-America goods, services and agricultural products to Korean customers — and to support more good jobs here at home.”

Thus did the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative rhapsodize about the potential of our new trade treaty with South Korea.

And how has it worked out for Uncle Sam? 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Biden Insults Democrat Blue Collar Base

Sometimes Joe Biden says things that, were they uttered by anyone else, would make one suspect a double agent.  Could the Republican National Committee script a pithier quote for their opposition than this?  Here, Barry Soetoro's sidekick reveals what an effete snob he is, while insulting the Democrat blue collar base situated in key swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and New Jersey.  He also reveals the building tension on-board a sinking ship.  By the time this election is over, the Obama's and Biden's will be about as close as the Clinton's and the Gore's.

They'll tamp Joe down for a few weeks and chain him to one of Barry's teleprompters, but like Old Faithful, it's just a matter of time before the next wonderful eruption.  Biden is a gift to the GOP that keeps on giving.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Colorado Priest Urges Republicans to Reject Socialism

"The Church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modem times with 'communism' or 'socialism'." - Catechism of the Catholic Church 2425

Father Andrew Kemberling, V.F., was invited to lead the opening prayer at the 2012 Colorado Republican State Assembly and Convention in the Magness Arena at the University of Denver.

Now if this good priest would just persuade the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to rid their legislative agenda and Congressional advocacy of the whole-cloth of socialism, and not just the bits they don't like ...

A Dad Like Jack: The Influence of Ronald Reagan’s Father

From The Center for Vision and Values, Grove City College
By Paul Kengor 

When we open our newspapers on Father’s Day, we expect to find something nice about dads—often heroic dads. Yet, for every boy or girl whose father was a doctor or Marine who stormed the beaches of Normandy, there is a dad who was more complicated; not a great dad but one still loved and had an impact, sometimes in unorthodox ways. This describes a father I’ve studied: Jack Reagan, father of the late president, Ronald Reagan.

Choir of Clare College - The Lord is My Shepherd

Right to Life of Michigan Endorses Gary Glenn for U.S. Senate

Gary Glenn
Midland, Mich. -- Republican U.S. Senate candidate Gary Glenn received word by mail Saturday that his candidacy has been endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan.

Glenn has for twelve years been president of the American Family Association of Michigan, a pro-life and traditional family values advocacy group. He has also served on the board of directors of two other pro-life organizations, Michigan Chooses Life and Michigan Citizens for Life.

This week, Glenn condemned Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mi., and other Senate Democrats for the confirmation, by voice vote, of Roe v. Wade architect Andrew Hurwitz for the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.