Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Obama's College Classmate: 'The Obama Scandal is at Columbia'

From The Blaze
By Wayne Allyn Root

I am President Obama’s classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. I am also one of the most accurate Las Vegas oddsmakers and prognosticators. Accurate enough that I was awarded my own star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. And I smell something rotten in Denmark. Obama has a big skeleton in his closet. It’s his college records. Call it “gut instinct” but my gut is almost always right. Obama has a secret hidden at Columbia- and it’s a bad one that threatens to bring down his presidency. Gut instinct is how I’ve made my living for 29 years since graduating Columbia.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Polish President Accuses Obama of Betraying Poland

The Polish president has accused Barack Obama of betraying Poland by cancelling a promised missile defence system. 

Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski Photo: AFP/Getty Images

Reflecting Warsaw's long-standing anger over the 2009 cancellation of a controversial Bush-era anti-ballistic missile system President Bronislaw Komorowski said Poland should build its own missile shield to ensure national defence.
"Our mistake was that by accepting the American offer of a shield we failed to take into account the political risk associated with a change of president," said Mr Komorowski in a magazine interview. "We paid a high political price. We do not want to make the same mistake again. We must have a missile system as an element of our defences."

Read the rest of this entry at The Telegraph >>

Wages Now Lower Than in 1968

By Tom Piatak

This month (July) the Census Bureau reported that the inflation adjusted median income for male workers was $32,127 in 2010, less than the $32,844 such workers earned in 1968.  There are, of course, many reasons for this prolonged wage stagnation, but chief among them are mass immigration, which began with the Immigration Act of 1965, and free trade, which was given a substantial boost by the Kennedy Round of GATT, also occurring in the mid-1960s.  Unfortunately, despite some rhetorial flourishes, both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney remain committed to both mass immigration and free trade.  So, whoever wins in November, middle class Americans will continue to lose.

Taxing the Rich: The Numbers Inside a Hot-Button Issue

Amid the Debate About Whether and How to Reform the Tax Code, a Look at How the Picture Has Changed


President Barack Obama says someone has to pay more taxes if the U.S. is to tame its budget deficit and provide the government he thinks the nation needs. He proposes that the best-off Americans pay more. It's only fair, he says. 

"There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me because they want to give something back," he said in a speech in Roanoke, Va., that set off dueling campaign ads. "Look, if you've been successful, you didn't get there on your own."

His Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, counters that the deficit can be reduced without raising taxes if Washington is tough on spending. He thinks raising taxes on the best-off would be unwise and unfair. "President Obama attacks success, and therefore under President Obama we have less success," he said.

Read the rest of this entry at The Wall Street Journal >>


Olympics: Athletes Flock to Daily Mass

Who would have thought that the London Olympics could offer the perfect opportunity to put New Evangelisation into practise? The Catholic Church of England and Wales- that’s who, and in particular the network of Christian Churches and communities in the host city: “I am delighted to be able to report that aside from there being three masses celebrated everyday within the athlete’s village itself, specifically for the athletes and officials, the highest attendance at any of the religious services is at daily Mass. There are a number of athletes and officials from various nations who are coming there every day and they are placing Christ at the beginning and the centre of all they do”, says James Parker, Catholic Executive Coordinator for the 2012 London Games. Listen to James Parker’s full interview with Emer McCarthy: RealAudio

The GOP Convention - An Event To Be Missed

It was revealed today that Rick Santorum will not be given a speaking role at the Republican National Convention; so much for the GOP "big tent," my fellow conservatives. With speakers like John McCain, Nikki Haley and Condoleeza Rice, the quadrennial infomercial for the liberal establishment of the GOP is turning into an event to be missed.  Wake us when Governor Huckabee speaks.


Winston Churchill: America’s Enduring Love for Winnie and His Words

An exhibition of Churchilliana in New York has reminded Americans why they took the great man to their hearts – and kept him there 

Touch of genius: Winston Churchill's words had a profound effect on Britain, Europe and the United States Photo: AP

By Andrew Roberts

Americans love Sir Winston Churchill. That much has been obvious since even before 1963, when President Kennedy gave him the only honorary US citizenship ever awarded to a living person. Yet, in the half-century since then, that admiration and affection hasn’t abated; he is one of the only non‑Americans to have a US warship named after him, and as many books are published about him in America as in Britain. Indeed, the only bookshop in the world dedicated solely to selling his books, articles and memorabilia is the splendid Chartwell Books on Madison Avenue and 52nd Street in Manhattan. As Churchill’s mother, Jennie Jerome, was born in Brooklyn, Americans understandably regard Churchill’s extraordinary life as an almost semi-detached telling of their own national story.