Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Establishment Elites vs. Peasant Catholics

There is a war going on in the Church and the Al Smith Obama dinner is NOT the issue.

This video packs more truth into a few minutes than we have heard in years.  The many thousands of Catholics concerned about the Al Smith Dinner scandal should remember that they have been demeaned and insulted as "piety police."   In the future, you may wish to consider your bishop's annual appeal or solicitations from The Catholic League only as reminders to contribute to ChurchMilitant.TV.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

American Life League President Posts Open Letter to Cardinal Dolan about the Al Smith Dinner Invitation

Judie Brown
The valiant Judie Brown, founder of the American Life League and America's foremost and uncompromising champion of life, has posted an open letter to His Eminence Timothy, Cardinal Dolan. 

Once again, the American Episcopacy has put institutional interests ahead of what is moral and good.  We have no interest in their views on the Farm Bill, trade policies or continuing budget resolutions.  We do, however, expect them to speak with clarity and consistency on the great moral issues of our day.  It seems Cardinal Dolan, like so many before him, would rather be a political player than a moral force for the good and true.

We salute Mrs. Brown for speaking forthrightly.  We strongly agree with her that Cardinal Dolan's invitation  sends, at best, mixed signals.  In the face of Obama's assaults on the Church and her teachings, our bishops should be sharing only one message --  that it is morally objectionable for any Catholic to vote for those whose policies are intrinsically evil and advance the culture of death.

Your Eminence,
During the last week, there has been much written on diocesan websites and by other bishops concerning the controversy created by your invitation to President Obama to attend the Alfred E. Smith dinner. Much of what has been written seeks to justify that invitation.

American Life League recently launched an effort to convince you to rescind that invitation. The reason for this memo is to let you know exactly why we are doing what we are doing.

First, let me point out that Cardinal Egan invited Mr. Obama to this same dinner four years ago and we did not object. Although we disagreed with Obama’s basic philosophies, we felt that an attempt by the cardinal to show congeniality was worth trying.

However, it is now four years later and it is clear that whatever the cardinal hoped to accomplish at the 2008 dinner did not work. In four short years, President Obama has done everything in his power to undermine the teachings of the Catholic Church. As you know, he is implementing programs and policies that may soon make it necessary for the Church to repudiate our basic beliefs or close down all of our charitable and educational organizations.

Your Eminence, Mr. Obama has a long history with the Catholic Church. From his days as a community organizer working with Catholic churches in Chicago to his current attack on our beliefs, Obama has shown himself to be a shrewd politician with a captivating personality. How else do you explain the fact that, despite his very public support of abortion, contraception, and Planned Parenthood, he received 54 percent of the Catholic vote in 2008?

The question is NOT why you invited Mr. Obama to the dinner. The real question is why he accepted.

I submit to you that the reason he accepted is that he has nothing to lose. The Al Smith Foundation website touts that, at the 2008 dinner, Obama displayed “wit, wisdom, warmth, and wile.” I am sure the author of those words thought he was being totally complimentary, but the fact is that he was very accurate. Synonyms for “wile” are, of course, “hoax,” “ploy,” “scam,” and “deception.”

I believe Mr. Obama sees the 2012 Al Smith dinner as an opportunity to, once again, use his wiles to entice the Catholics in America to “trust” him——a trust that he has betrayed time and time again.

Your Eminence, when I think of the outcome of the event - where you are seen hosting both candidates for president - I am convinced the idea that will be transmitted through the images of that dinner will be that a vote for either candidate is okay with the hierarchy.

This is precisely why American Life League launched the No Dinner for Obama campaign. We don’t want Catholics to be confused about the most pro-abortion president in American history. Our duty is to be faithful and to defend moral principles, while begging our hierarchy to do the same.

We pray for you, and all members of the hierarchy, “Lead us out of temptation and toward truth, particularly today when so much is at stake.”

You and the bishops of the Church have convinced us over the last several months that the future of the Catholic Church in America is hanging in the balance. We MUST oppose the contraceptive mandate and all of the other affronts the current administration is throwing at us.

Inviting the head of that administration to dinner and a night of humor and congeniality is NOT how we are going to save our Church.

Please, your Eminence, cancel the invitation or cancel the dinner. If you do neither, I am very afraid that, at this time next year, you may be forced to cancel most Church activities that take place outside the confines of your physical churches.

Asking the blessing of Your Eminence, I am,

Yours respectfully in Christ,
Judie Brown, President
American Life League

If You Like Lindsey Grahamnesty, You'll Love Congressional Nominee Tom Rice!

Graham staffers populate SC Congressional Nominee's Campaign

“Republican” seventh congressional district nominee Tom Rice is convinced that his recent win over former S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer was all about people’s evolving ideologies.  Specifically Rice believes that the Tea Party movement in South Carolina is kaput – and that voters in the Palmetto State are ready to embrace more “moderate” Republicans.

That’s why Rice has decided to hire numerous operatives affiliated with U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) to run his general election campaign against Democrat Gloria Tinubu.

Read the rest of this entry at FITSNews >> 

Security Group Releases Film Criticising Obama for Osama bin Laden Operation 'Leaks'

Former US intelligence and Special Forces operatives launch a TV ad criticizing Obama's administration over high-level leaks that the group claims are endangering American lives.

Read the rest of this entry at The Telegraph >>

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; 

for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Luke 1:46-48

"By the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory."

 Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII issued November 1, 1950 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nellie Gray, Organizer of March for Life, Dead at 88

Nellie Gray
Nellie Gray, the founder of the annual March for Life in Washington, DC, was found dead at her home on August 13. 

A native of Texas and convert to Catholicism, Nellie Gray was instrumental in organizing the 1st March for Life on January 22, 1974, to commemorate the date of the Roe v. Wade decision that swept away all laws restricting abortion. Until the time of her death she remained the main organizer of the annual event, which has brought hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists to the nation’s capital. 

The Obama / Soetoro Story Obamunists Want Removed from YouTube

See it before it is hidden like the birth certificate, school records, mentors, friends and comrades.