Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Renewal of the Church in the UK

By Stephen Wang

I’ve just spent five days in a field a mile outside Walsingham, where the annual Youth 2000 summer festival took place last weekend. This little village, as one of the speakers said, is not just in the middle of nowhere; it’s on the very outer fringes of nowhere, and it’s a miracle that anyone gets there at all. (Apologies for this very London-centric view of North Norfolk…)

A glimpse of the congregation before Mass

One of the young people arriving said they had got into a conversation in a shop on the way, and when they said they were going to a youth festival, the other person asked, ‘So who is headlining then?’ No-one could agree on the best answer: Jesus, the Bishop, or the Youth 2000 Music Ministry.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hillsdale College Forum - "Undoing Dewey"

Romney's Sister Assures Fellow Pro-Choicers Her Brother Doesn't Really Believe His New Pro-Life Rhetoric

Jane Romney goes to bat for her brother's pro-choice cred 


Jane Romney in 2008 / Image: AP
Mitt Romney’s sister promised that a ban on abortion was "never going to happen" under her brother’s presidency, a reassurance to women that is at odds with the nominee’s [latest] stated position on the issue.

"It’s not his focus," Jane Romney said at a talk here Wednesday. "He’s not going to be touching any of that."

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RNC "Tribute" to Ron Paul

Here's a "tribute" to Ron Paul that the RNC made to paper over efforts by Republican  leaders, in state after state, to smear Ron Paul's reputation, violate party rules, and deny his supporters delegate seats at the convention.  Once at the convention, they changed party rules so "upstarts" like Ron Paul and Rick Santorum will be even less troublesome to the Establishment in the future.  Big tent, indeed!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cardinal Dolan in Charlotte: A Looming Disaster for Democrats

By Phil Lawler

Archbishop Dolan Greets Pope Benedict
Say what you will about the prudence of Cardinal Dolan’s decision to offer a prayer at the Democratic convention. What about the tactical judgment of the Democratic Party leaders who will welcome him?

Jeff Mirus has questioned whether Cardinal Dolan should have made the offer to deliver closing prayers for the Democratic event. As usual, I find myself in agreement with Jeff. But there’s another side to the question: Should the Democrats have accepted his offer?

If I were a partisan Democrat, I would say No: the Democrats should not have invited Cardinal Dolan to Charlotte. Since I am not a partisan Democrat—quite the contrary—I’m delighted that they did. The cardinal’s appearance will hurt, not help, President Obama’s chances for re-election. 

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Compare the Candidates

For more information see

Bill Flax Interviews Virgil Goode

 How Do We Elevate Constitutional Principles?

From Forbes
By Bill Flax

Virgil Goode, Jr.
It was my privilege to interview presidential candidate Virgil Goode, Jr. of the Constitution Party, America’s third largest by membership. We quickly tackled the elephant in the room: does the Constitution Party waste your vote, or even deprive Mr. Romney’s elephants thereby shifting victory to Mr. Obama and his donkeys?

Mr. Goode rebutted that he’s “attracting votes from both parties” and there “are more independents than either Democrats or Republicans.” Moreover, “many old-line Democrats whose families voted Democrat back to FDR are fed up with Obama, but won’t vote GOP.” Appealing to these constituents appears pivotal to Goode’s efforts to “shake-up the big money interests controlling both Democrats and Republicans.”