Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Monday, September 3, 2012

Group Says It Found 30,000 Dead North Carolinians Registered to Vote

Voter Integrity Project has no evidence of any ballots cast in their names.


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A Raleigh-based group devoted to reducing the potential for voter fraud presented the N.C. Board of Elections on Friday with a list of nearly 30,000 names of dead people statewide who are still registered to vote.

The Voter Integrity Project compiled the list after obtaining death records from the state Department of Public Health from 2002 to March 31 and comparing them to the voter rolls.

“Mainly, what we’re concerned about is the potential [for fraud],” said project director Jay DeLancy. “Since there is no voter ID law in North Carolina, anybody can walk in and claim to be anyone else.”

Read the rest of this entry at The Charlotte Observer >> 

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Team Romney Forced ‘Undemocratic Rules’ to Disenfranchise Pro-Life Republicans, Rush Says

TAMPA, August 31, 2012, ( – While political observers watched Rick Santorum, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio, the Republican National Committee pushed through new rules that could change the face of the party for some time – including one rule that Rush Limbaugh said was designed to freeze pro-life Christians out of the GOP. 

Under rules proposed by election lawyer Ben Ginsberg, who said he was acting on behalf of the Romney campaign, the presidential candidate who wins a state primary would get to select all state delegates to the convention and “disavow” anyone who meets his disapproval. The delegates, in turn, draw up the platform and formally nominate candidates. 

The new code was opposed by the Family Research Center, Leadership Institute founder Morton Blackwell, and attorney James Bopp, who helped draw up the original pro-life plank in 1980. 
House Speaker John Boehner presided over the voice vote on the rule, which appeared to have an even number of yes and no votes. 

The controversy deepened after a video showed a teleprompter with a prerecorded message that the change had been approved, leading to speculation the vote was fixed.

Read the rest of this entry at LifeSiteNews>>

Art of the Western World - Episode 1: The Legacy of Greece

A really excellent series, made and broadcast in the late eighties.  We will be posting additional episodes on Saturdays during the coming months.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Jon McNaughton's "Obamanation" (One Painting That Says It All)


Jon McNaughton:
I chose to use an undisclosed studio so I could paint privately, without interruption, to focus on the task of embedding in a single painting all the subtle, mindless, radical and dangerous atrocities of the Obama administration.

I am just one person, a citizen of this country using my first amendment rights to speak out through my art. This is my declaration that we have never had a president do more to harm our country than Barack Obama.

To those who scoff or wish to trivialize this painting, I challenge you... I DARE YOU... study the links of the various symbols and metaphors that you see. There are over 60 in the painting. No person can analyze this image and learn about these facts and still, in good conscience, vote for Obama in 2012.

I do not hate Obama, but I hate the fact that I had to paint this picture. Has the painting gone too far? I knew when I did this that most Obama supporters would reject what I have done. But as a Conservative, I'm fed up with the corruption in Washington. And I'm sick of the political correctness that has derailed our country!

My art is an expression of the times in which I live and people will know how Jon McNaughton felt about being alive in America in 2012.

Take the Challenge! If you still choose Obama,'re a part of the Obamanation.

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The 'Large Purpose' of Romney-Ryan

By Patrick J. Buchanan

"The success of a party means little except when the nation is using that party for a large and definite purpose," said Woodrow Wilson in his first inaugural, 100 years ago.

The Republican Party of Richard Nixon was called to power in 1968 to bring an honorable end to the war in Vietnam and restore law and order to campuses and cities convulsed by crime, riots and racial violence. Nixon appeared to have succeeded and was rewarded with a 49-state landslide.