Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Monday, September 10, 2012

From Our Mail: Grassfire Nation Outraged Because a Leopard Hasn't Changed His Spots

Shock, horror, outrage -- Mitt Romney has betrayed the conservative cause, flip-flopped on his pledge to repeal ObamaCare, and isn't who he recently claimed to be!

Grassfire Nation wants Romney to "clarify his position."   Did they happen to notice his record as Governor ... or the statements he made while running for the United States Senate?  He repudiated Ronald Reagan, proclaimed himself pro-abortion, imposed the prototype for ObamaCare, and did more than any single American to bring same-sex "marriage" to the United States.  His campaign manager even told you to expect this; remember "Etch-A-Sketch"?

Well, dear friends at Grassfire Nation, we're not the least bit disappointed in Mitt Romney.  He is showing himself to be exactly who we know him to be.  The outrage is that you, who claim to be conservative Republicans, did nothing from the time Rick Santorum suspended his campaign to resist the tragedy that is the nomination of this phony, fraud and charlatan.  You compromised principle, you averted your eyes, you convinced yourselves that a leopard can change his spots.  Now you're stuck with him.  Good luck.

Many of us who have been fooled by liberal, Establishment Republicans in the past will not be suckered again.  We're supporting the Constitution Party candidate, Virgil Goode.  You have a choice -- go down with the ship or fight for your purported principles with those who put principle above the acquisition of power.  No, we don't stand with you or your very flawed candidate.  You made a bargain with the devil.  We want no part of it.

Grassfire Nation Update

Dear Daniel,
Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney no doubt induced a strong sense of uneasiness among many conservatives on Sunday. During an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," he told host David Gregory that he would preserve the best parts of ObamaCare!

Refusing to call it ObamaCare or even The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Romney said his plan wasn't "getting rid of all of healthcare reform ... there are a number of things I like in healthcare reform."

Did Romney "bite" the liberal-media bait dangled by Gregory and actually flip-flop on ObamaCare?
Following the Supreme Court ruling in favor of ObamaCare, back in June, Romney said, "What the Court didn't do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected President of the United States. And that is, I will act to repeal ObamaCare."

At no time prior to yesterday has the Republican candidate mentioned preserving the best parts of an unconstitutional healthcare overhaul that will put the U.S. in the fast lane to bankruptcy!

Daniel, please go here now to see this surpising one-minute "Meet the Press" segment. Then join conservative Americans from across the nation who are using Grassfire's just-launched pledge to remind Mitt Romney that he must REPEAL AND FULLY DEFUND ObamaCare!

+ + Urgent Pledge Delivery to Romney Election HQ

Join thousands of other conservatives who are demanding Mitt Romney clarify his position on ObamaCare and confirm publicly his intention to completely REPEAL The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act when elected!

Grassfire is moving quickly to mobilize tens of thousands of like-minded patriots and will present the Romney campaign with the pledge signatures THIS WEEK.

Don't wait!

If repealing ObamaCare is a keystone item for your support and you want Romney to publicly clarify his intentions, then add your name to the pledge by going here now.

+ + Thursday, September 13, Deadline

We're moving quickly to gather names for this important pledge delivery to Romney's election headquarters. So after watching the video segment and adding your name to the pledge, please forward this message to your conservative friends and family members. Urge them to join you in taking immediate action by going here.

Remind them that to be included in this urgent delivery they must sign the pledge no later than noon on Thursday, September 13.

Don't allow Romney to flip-flop on ObamaCare. Sign the pledge and demand he publicly clarify his position to REPEAL Obamacare as president!
Thank you for standing with us.
Your friends at Grassfire Nation  

BBC Last Night of the Proms and Finale

Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free,
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?
Wider still, and wider, shall thy bounds be set;
God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet!

Truth and Right and Freedom, each a holy gem,
Stars of solemn brightness, weave thy diadem.

Tho' thy way be darkened, still in splendour drest,
As the star that trembles o'er the liquid West.

Throned amid the billows, throned inviolate,
Thou hast reigned victorious, thou has smiled at fate.

Land of Hope and Glory, fortress of the Free,
How may we extol thee, praise thee, honour thee?

Hark, a mighty nation maketh glad reply;
Lo, our lips are thankful, lo, our hearts are high!

Hearts in hope uplifted, loyal lips that sing;
Strong in faith and freedom, we have crowned our King!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Art of the Western World - Episode 2: Imperial Stone - The Art of Rome

Continuing this beautiful BBC series that we began last Saturday, Episode 2 examines the art and culture of ancient Rome.

Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Our tainted nature's solitary boast"
 William Wordsworth

  Andre Rieu - Ave Maria (Maastricht 2008)

Mirusia Louwerse sings the most beautiful song by Franz Schubert.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Godless Party Expels the Creator

By Patrick J. Buchanan

 "No platform celebrating homosexual marriage and backing a woman's right to abort her child at any time in her pregnancy can be credibly adopted by a party that also purports to revere the God of our Founding Fathers."

The authors of the Democratic platform have inadvertently revealed to the world the sea change that has taken place in that party we once knew.

For the first time -- and in the longest Democratic platform in history, 26,000 words -- there was not a single mention of God, the Creator, whom Thomas Jefferson himself, father of the party, proclaimed to be the author of our right to life and liberty.

The convention had approved the new platform, but when a firestorm erupted, a panicked Barack Obama hastily ordered "God" reinstated.


Cardinal Dolan's Closing Benediction at the Democratic National Convention

"Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves.  But beware of men. For they will deliver you up in councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. And you shall be brought before governors, and before kings for my sake, for a testimony to them and to the Gentiles:  But when they shall deliver you up, take no thought how or what to speak: for it shall be given you in that hour what to speak. For it is not you that speak, but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you."  (Matthew 10:16-24)

With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, let us close this convention by praying for this land we so cherish and love.
Let us pray. (makes sign of the cross)
Almighty God, Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, revealed to us so powerfully in Your Son, Jesus Christ, we thank You for showering Your blessings on this, our beloved nation. Bless all here present and all across this great land who work hard for the day when a greater portion of Your justice and a more ample measure of Your care for the poor and suffering may prevail in these United States. Help us to see that a society's greatness is found above all in the respect it shows for the weakest and neediest among us.
We beseech You, Almighty God, to shed Your grace on this noble experiment in ordered liberty which began with the confident assertion of inalienable rights bestowed upon us by You: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Thus do we praise You for the gift of life. Grant us the courage to defend it: life, without which, no others rights are secure. We ask Your benediction on those waiting to be born and that they may be welcomed and protected. Strengthen our sick and our elders, waiting to see Your holy face at life's end, that they may be accompanied by true compassion and cherished with the dignity due those who are infirm and fragile.
We praise and thank You for the gift of liberty. May this land of the free never lack those brave enough to defend our basic freedoms. Renew in all our people a profound respect for religious liberty - the first, most cherished freedom - bequeathed upon us at our founding. May our liberty be in harmony with truth, freedom ordered in goodness and justice. Help us live our freedom in faith, hope, and love. Make us ever grateful for those who for over two centuries have given their lives in freedom's defense. We commend their noble souls to Your eternal care as even now we beg the protection of Your mighty arm upon our men and women in uniform.
We praise and thank You for granting us the life and liberty by which we can pursue happiness. Show us anew that happiness is found only in respecting the laws of nature and of nature's God. Empower us with Your grace so that we might resist the temptation to replace the moral law with idols of our own making, or to remake those institutions You've given us for the nurturing of life and community.
May we welcome those who yearn to breathe free and to pursue happiness in this land of freedom, adding their gifts to those whose families have lived here for centuries.
We praise and thank You for the American genius of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Oh God of wisdom, justice, and might, we ask Your guidance for those who govern us: President Barack Obama, Vice-President Joseph Biden, Congress, the Supreme Court, and on all those, including Governor Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan, who seek to serve the common good by seeking public office. Make them all worthy to serve You by serving our country. And help them remember that the only just government is the government that serves its citizens rather than itself.
With Your grace, may all Americans choose wisely as we consider the future course of public policy.
And finally, Lord, we beseech Your benediction on all of us who depart from here this evening, and on all those in every land who yearn to conduct their lives in freedom and justice.
We beg You to remember, as we pledge to remember, those who are not free; those who suffer for freedom's cause; those who are poor, out of work, needy, sick, or alone; those who are persecuted for their religious convictions; those still ravaged by war.
And most of all, God Almighty, we thank You for the great gift of our beloved country, for we are indeed one nation, under God, and in God we trust. So dear God, bless America - You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.