Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Nation’s Top 50 Catholic High Schools Announced

Today, September 20, 2012, the winners of the 2012-2013 Catholic High School Honor Roll competition were announced by The Cardinal Newman Society. Since 2004, the Honor Roll has recognized excellence in Catholic identity, academics and civic education at Catholic high schools across the United States.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Canada Rises to Top Five in World Economic Freedom Ranking as U.S. Plummets to 18th

The United States now trails the entire Anglosphere in economic freedom.  If the Kenyan is reelected, we suspect there will be a large migration north.  Anyone headed to Kamloops?

A Canadian flag waves in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, February 15, 2011. Chris Roussakis/QMI Agency

Canada has taken its place among the Top 5 countries with the most economic freedom, according to a new Fraser Institute report — now leaps and bounds ahead of the United States thanks to the gradual shrinking of the Canadian government since the mid-1990s as America’s just got bigger.

The annual Economic Freedom of the World report, released Tuesday, has Canada tied in fifth place with Australia — up one spot from last year. Hong Kong remains at the top, Singapore’s next, then New Zealand.

Meanwhile, the United States, once a “standard bearer” of economic liberty among industrial nations, spiralled 10 spots from the 2011 rankings to 18th place — its lowest position ever, and a huge drop from its second place spot in 2000.

Read the rest of this entry at National Post >>

Romney's Latest Gaffe - And THIS, We Were Told, Is the "Electable" One

"This is really a discussion about the political process of winning the election."
Watch the chameleon turn.  Does this look like the leadership, resolve and character that will stand up to China, deadly terrorists and lead America through economic crisis?  The smarmy flip-flopper who criticized Great Britain's readiness to run an Olympics, is proving once again he can't be trusted to run his own mouth.  And this is a planned and prepared news conference to elegantly explain earlier, "not elegantly stated" comments.

 If this is the best the Republican Establishment could do in offering an alternative to an Alinsky communist, they deserve to lose an election that was theirs to lose.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Archbishop of Canterbury and Orthodox Patriarch to Join Vatican II Celebration

From the Catholic Herald (UK)
By Cindy Wooden

Dr Williams and Patriarch Bartholomew (Photo: CNS)
Dr Williams and Patriarch Bartholomew (Photo: CNS)

The Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople and the Archbishop of Canterbury will join Pope Benedict XVI’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, it was announced today.

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Dr Rowan Williams will attend the Mass that Pope Benedict will celebrate at the Vatican to mark the anniversary of the opening of the council on October 11, 1962, Vatican officials said.

Representatives from the Orthodox Church and Anglican Communion were observers at the 1962-65 council, which officially embraced and promoted Catholic involvement in the ecumenical movement.

During the January celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Benedict said the Second Vatican Council placed the search for Christian unity “at the center of the life and work of the Church,” because it was Christ’s desire that his followers be united.

In addition, the Pope said, “the lack of unity among Christians impedes a more effective proclamation of Christ because it puts our credibility in danger … How can we give a convincing witness if we are divided?”

Ecumenical cooperation in proclaiming the Christian message is expected to be a key topic at the world Synod of Bishops on new evangelisation on October 7-28.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Lindsey Graham Endorses Hollywood Democrat for Congress

Senators Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint working at cross-purposes.

While South Carolina's esteemed junior Senator, Jim DeMint, has a national reputation for ensuring more conservatives are elected to the United States Congress; the state's rogue senior Senator has been busy too.  In characteristic fashion, Lindsey Graham, joined by his comrade John McCain, has endorsed Hollywood Democrat Howard Berman for Congress.  

Senator Graham will face, please God, a difficult primary challenge in 2014.  

We hope Senator Graham's Hollywood friends, the national media,  and all those liberals who support his calling his constituents "racists," those who support Graham's proposed amnesty for illegal aliens, the nationalization of US banks, massive new taxes under cap and trade legislation, Graham's proposed fingerprinting and imposition of ID cards for law-abiding Americans, and all those who delighted in Graham providing the key committee vote ensuring the appointment of Marxists to the US Supreme Court, will return the favor and endorse Graham in his primary.  In fact, just for a short time in 2014, y'all should come to South Carolina and let us know just how much Senator Graham means to you. 

Senator Rick Santorum Presents "Our Sacred Honor" - Full Movie Trailer

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

With those immortal words, our Founding Fathers declared our independence from Great Britain. In doing so, the 56 courageous men who signed the Declaration of Independence pledged to each other "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

Are we today a country that recognizes that level of commitment and sacrifice to the American ideal of liberty?

In Our Sacred Honor, former presidential candidate and Senator Rick Santorum asks this very question. The film presents a journey into our past that explores the meaning of our founding documents, the intentions of the drafters and signers, the origin of our rights, the differences between the French and American revolutions, and the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Through reenactments, interviews with historians, experts, and on-location shooting, viewers are taken back to the time of our founding to better understand the principles of government set forth in America's founding documents and how they enabled us to create the greatest nation in the history of the world.

Order your copy of Our Sacred Honor now!



Romney’s Craven Campaign

What problems confront a candidate whose core beliefs are decided by focus groups! 

The GOP nominee can't seem to put the primaries behind him.
By W. James Antle III 
Last week, violent mobs descended on U.S. embassies in Egypt and Yemen following the murder of our ambassador and three other Americans in Libya. Angry protests soon spread to Kuwait, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Morocco and Sudan.